ReteINDACO, the largest digital library that offers, free of charge, to patrons of libraries belonging to its network: ebooks, music, videos, dictionaries, films, language courses, audio books, e.learning materials, video games, databases and much more.
A fast, comprehensive search
You can launch the search from single field or use the specific ReteINDACO search channels. The search result combines both digital resources and "traditional" items (books, DVDs, etc.). You can refine your search or browse results by using tags, facets and other categories, all in a uniform and coherent environment.
With a simple "log in"
You can access all its services without any further authenticion.
A wide variety of digital assets
Specially selected by your library. Quality, free and paid, content is carefully selected and organised by library staff and access is controlled in conformance with statutory regulations.
Content includes:
- Music to listen to and download
- Films
- Ebook to borrow through digital loans, download immediately or to read via streaming.
- Video including language courses and lectures, cooking recipes, scientific films, children's videos, ...
- Online newspapers and the latest news.
- Sites, portals, databases, ...
For information you can check the FAQs on line on digital lending and viewing other digital resources in ReteINDACO.
If you do not find what you are looking for, ask the librarian, and you can choose new resources from all those available in ReteINDACO.
Always available
ReteINDACO digital resources are also available on mobile devices which provide an excellent user experience with native applications for iOS and Android which make full use of mobile device hardware. Find the app for your library system in the stores and download it for free.
Stay social!
Share your search results or your favourite digital items with friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter.
And do not forget to take a look at "Your user space" where you will find: loans, reservations, purchasing suggestions, viewed resources, free access to viewed materials and commercial ebooks currently being read. Just use the "sign in" button and enter your credentials (username and pass word).
You can consult the Facebook ReteINDACO profile or follow Twitter ReteINDACO to stay informed about news. We look forward to seeing you!
ReteIndaco is a platform DM Cultura